
To install the gi-gtk-declarative package in your project, follow these steps and guidelines:

  • The gi-gtk-declarative package builds on gi-gtk, and thus depend on the same libraries. First, follow the instructions on how to install GTK+ dependencies using your package manager of choice over at the gi-gtk README.

  • Make sure you're not using gi-gtk and this package with GHC 8.2.x (read more here)!

  • Once you have the GTK+ system libraries installed, it should be a regular Haskell package install with Cabal, Stack, Nix, or whatever floats your boat.

  • Executables using gi-gtk-declarative must be built with the -threaded option passed to GHC. If you are not seeing a window, check this first.

Cabal Example

Let's look at an example of using Cabal to build a gi-gtk-declarative project. It's assumed you're running Cabal 2.x, and that you have an existing project to work with. If you don't have a project, and you're unsure how to set one up, have look at Introduction to Cabal.

Adding Dependencies

Begin by including

  • gi-gtk,
  • gi-gtk-declarative, and
  • gi-gtk-declarative-app-simple

in the build-depends list of your library or executable:

name: your-project

executable your-executable
    , gi-gtk-declarative
    , gi-gtk-declarative-app-simple
    , ...
  ghc-options:      -threaded
  default-language: Haskell2010

Note that gi-gtk-declarative-app-simple is not strictly required, unless you want to write your application using the App.Simple architecture.

Installing and Building

Install dependencies and build your executable:

cabal v2-build your-executable

You are now ready to explore gi-gtk-declarative! To find inspiration, check out the full runnable examples in the repository, or dive right into the documentation.