
The App.Simple framework, provided by the gi-gtk-declarative-app-simple package, build on gi-gtk-declarative to provide a simple application architecture. It's based on a state reducer, inspired by PureScript's Pux. It also draws inspiration from with the earlier versions of the Elm architecture.


The central abstraction is the App:

data App window state event =
    { update       :: state -> event -> Transition state event
    , view         :: state -> AppView window event
    , inputs       :: [Producer event IO ()]
    , initialState :: state

Let's look at the individual parts:

  • The update function transition from the current state, based on an event, to another state. It may also exit the application, using the Exit constructor of Transition.
  • The view function renders the current state as a window widget. AppView is a type alias that constrains the widget to be a window bin widget:

    type AppView window event = Bin window Widget event
  • inputs is a list of Pipes producers, emitting events that feed into the state reducer loop. This is useful to emit events at regular intervals or from some external source.

  • The initialState is the state value that we begin with.

Running the Application

The easiest way to run an App is the run function. Given that we have the following definitions:

data MyState = ...
data MyEvent = ...

view' :: AppView Window MyEvent

update' :: MyState -> MyEvent -> Transition MyState MyEvent

clockTicks :: Producer MyEvent IO ()

We then define our main action to run an application:

main :: IO ()
main = void $ run App
  { view         = view'
  , update       = update'
  , inputs       = [clockTicks]
  , initialState = Initial

As run returns the last state, we ignore it using void. Accessing the last state can be useful if you want to embed a declarative App inside a larger GTK+ application.


If you need more control over GTK+ initialization and the setup, for instance when using CSS, use the runLoop function.