Property-Based Testing the Ugly Parts

Oskar Wickström

May 2019

About Me

  • Live in Malmö, Sweden
  • Work for Symbiont
  • Blog at
  • Maintain some open source projects
  • Haskell at Work screencasts
  • Spent the last year writing a screencast video editor called Komposition


  • Introduction to Hedgehog
  • Property-Based Testing for the Industry Programmer
  • Case Studies from Komposition

Introduction to Hedgehog


  • Random generated inputs
  • Integrated shrinking
  • Great error reporting
  • Concurrent test execution
  • Generators as values

List Reverse with Hedgehog

prop_reverse = property $ do
  xs <- forAll $
    (Range.linear 0 10)
    ( Range.linearBounded)
  reverse (reverse xs) === xs

List Sort with Hedgehog

prop_sort = property $ do
  xs <- forAll $
    (Range.linear 0 10)
    ( Range.linearBounded)
  mySuperSort xs === industryStandardSort xs



How many of you write sort algorithms in your day job?

How do I use this in my job?

  • What if you’re working with:
    • Backends with databases and integrations?
    • Frontends with GUIs and user input?
    • Data pipelines and analytics?
  • Hard to write properties
  • Fewer examples online

Property-Based Testing for the Industry Programmer

Testing the “Ugly” Parts

  • Not everything will be small pure functions
  • Complex interactions between larger modules
  • Stateful
  • Side-effects

Designing for Testability

  • Regular “writing testable code” guidelines apply:
    • Single responsibility
    • Determinism
    • No global side-effects
    • Low coupling between interface and implementation

Coming Up With Properties

  • “Choosing properties for property-based testing” by Scott Wlaschin
    • “Different paths, same destination”
    • “There and back again”
    • “Some things never change”
    • “The more things change, the more they stay the same”
    • “Solve a smaller problem first”
    • “Hard to prove, easy to verify”
    • “The test oracle”
  • Study others’ property tests
  • Practice!

Other Interesting Techniques

Case Studies from Komposition


  • Desktop GUI application
  • Modal
  • Hierarchical timeline
    • Sequences
    • Parallels
    • Tracks
    • Clips and gaps
  • Automatic scene classification
  • Automatic sentence classification

Complex Features

  • Most complex features in Komposition
    • Focus and timeline transformations
    • Video classification
    • Rendering
    • Application logic
  • Spend effort on testing those

Case Studies

  1. Timeline Flattening
  2. Video Scene Classification
  3. Integration Tests (Undo/Redo Symmetry)

Hierarchical Timeline



Video Still Frames

Video Still Frames

Adding Gaps

Adding Gaps





Case Study 1: Timeline Flattening

Timeline Flattening

  • Timeline is hierarchical
    • Sequences
    • Parallels
    • Tracks
    • Clips and gaps
  • FFmpeg render knows only about two flat tracks
    • Video track
    • Audio track

Timeline Flattening (Graphical)

Timeline flattening

Testing Duration

hprop_flat_timeline_has_same_duration_as_hierarchical =
  property $ do
    t <- forAll $ Gen.timeline (Range.exponential 0 20) Gen.parallelWithClips
    let Just flat = Render.flattenTimeline t
    durationOf AdjustedDuration t === durationOf AdjustedDuration flat

Testing Clip Occurence

hprop_flat_timeline_has_same_clips_as_hierarchical =
  property $ do
    t <- forAll $ Gen.timeline (Range.exponential 0 20) Gen.parallelWithClips
    let Just flat = Render.flattenTimeline t
    timelineVideoClips t === flatVideoClips flat
    timelineAudioClips t === flatAudioClips flat

More on Timeline Flattening

  • Other properties
    • How video gaps are padded with still frames
    • Same flat result regardless of grouping (split/join sequences, then flatten)

Case Study 2: Video Scene Classification

Video Scene Classification

  • Komposition can automatically classify “scenes”
    • Moving segment: consecutive non-equal frames
    • Still segment: at least S seconds of consecutive near-equal frames
  • S is a preconfigured threshold for still segment duration
  • Edge cases:
    • First segment is always a moving segment
    • Last segment may be shorter

Visualizing with Color Tinting

Video classification shown with color tinting

Testing Video Classification

  • Generate high-level representation of expected output segments: Expected output
  • Convert output representation to actual pixel frames: Pixel frames
  • Run the classifier on the pixel frames
  • Test properties based on:
    • the expected output representation
    • the actual classified output

Two Properties of Video Classification

  1. Classified still segments must be at least S seconds long
    • Ignoring the last segment (which may be a shorter still segment)
  2. Classified moving segments must have correct timespans
    • Comparing the generated expected output to the classified timespans

Testing Still Segment Lengths

hprop_classifies_still_segments_of_min_length = property $ do

  -- 1. Generate a minimum still segment length/duration
  minStillSegmentFrames <- forAll $ (Range.linear 2 (2 * frameRate))
  let minStillSegmentTime = frameCountDuration minStillSegmentFrames

  -- 2. Generate output segments
  segments <- forAll $
    genSegments (Range.linear 1 10)
                (Range.linear 1
                              (minStillSegmentFrames * 2))
                (Range.linear minStillSegmentFrames
                              (minStillSegmentFrames * 2))

Testing Still Segment Lengths (cont.)


  -- 3. Convert test segments to actual pixel frames
  let pixelFrames = testSegmentsToPixelFrames segments

  -- 4. Run the classifier on the pixel frames
  let counted = classifyMovement minStillSegmentTime (Pipes.each pixelFrames)
                & Pipes.toList
                & countSegments

Testing Still Segment Lengths (cont.)


  -- 5. Sanity check
  countTestSegmentFrames segments === totalClassifiedFrames counted

  -- 6. Ignore last segment and verify all other segments
  case initMay counted of
    Just rest ->
      traverse_ (assertStillLengthAtLeast minStillSegmentTime) rest
    Nothing -> success
    resolution = 10 :. 10


> :{
| hprop_classifies_still_segments_of_min_length
|   & Hedgehog.withTests 10000
|   & Hedgehog.check
| :}
  ✓ <interactive> passed 10000 tests.

Testing Moving Segment Timespans

hprop_classifies_same_scenes_as_input = property $ do

  -- 1. Generate a minimum still still segment duration
  minStillSegmentFrames <- forAll $ (Range.linear 2 (2 * frameRate))
  let minStillSegmentTime = frameCountDuration minStillSegmentFrames

  -- 2. Generate test segments
  segments <- forAll $
    genSegments (Range.linear 1 10)
                (Range.linear 1
                              (minStillSegmentFrames * 2))
                (Range.linear minStillSegmentFrames
                              (minStillSegmentFrames * 2))


Testing Moving Segment Timespans (cont.)


  -- 3. Convert test segments to actual pixel frames
  let pixelFrames = testSegmentsToPixelFrames segments

  -- 4. Convert expected output segments to a list of expected time spans
  --    and the full duration
  let durations = map segmentWithDuration segments
      expectedSegments = movingSceneTimeSpans durations
      fullDuration = foldMap unwrapSegment durations

Testing Moving Segment Timespans (cont.)


  -- 5. Classify movement of frames
  let classifiedFrames =
        Pipes.each pixelFrames
        & classifyMovement minStillSegmentTime
        & Pipes.toList

  -- 6. Classify moving scene time spans
  let classified =
        (Pipes.each classifiedFrames
         & classifyMovingScenes fullDuration)
        >-> Pipes.drain
        & Pipes.runEffect
        & runIdentity

Testing Moving Segment Timespans (cont.)


  -- 7. Check classified time span equivalence
  expectedSegments === classified

    resolution = 10 :. 10


Classifier Bugs

classifyMovement minStillSegmentTime =
  case ... of
    InStillState{..} ->
      if someDiff > minEqualTimeForStill
        then ...
        else ...
    InMovingState{..} ->
      if someOtherDiff >= minStillSegmentTime
        then ...
        else ...
    minEqualTimeForStill = 0.5

Fixing Bugs

  • There were multiple bugs:
    • The specificiation was wrong
    • The generators and tests had errors
    • The implementation had errors
  • After fixing bugs, thousands of tests ran successfully
  • Tried importing actual recorded video, had great results!

Case Study 3: Integration Testing

Undo/Redo Symmetry

  • Undo/Redo was previously implemented as stacks of previous/future states
  • Consumed gigabytes of disk space and RAM for projects with many edits
  • Rewrote the implementation to only store “invertible actions”

Testing Undo

  • Generate an initial state
  • Generate a sequence of undoable commands
  • Run all commands
  • Run undo command for each original command
  • Assert that we end up at the initial state

Actions are Undoable

hprop_undo_actions_are_undoable = property $ do

  -- Generate initial timeline and focus
  timelineAndFocus <- forAllWith showTimelineAndFocus $
    Gen.timelineWithFocus (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.parallel

  -- Generate initial application state
  initialState <- forAll (initializeState timelineAndFocus)

  -- Generate a sequence of undoable/redoable commands
  events <- forAll $
    Gen.list (Range.exponential 1 100) genUndoableTimelineEvent


Actions are Undoable (cont.)


  -- We begin by running 'events' on the original state
  beforeUndos <- runTimelineStubbedWithExit events initialState

  -- Then we run as many undo commands as undoable commands
  afterUndos <- runTimelineStubbedWithExit (undoEvent <$ events) beforeUndos

  -- That should result in a timeline equal to the one we at the
  -- beginning
  timelineToTree (initialState ^. currentTimeline)
    === timelineToTree (afterUndos ^. currentTimeline)

Testing Redo

  • Generate an initial state
  • Generate a sequence of undoable/redoable commands
  • Run all commands
  • Run undo and redo commands for each original command
  • Assert that we end up at the state before running undos

Actions are Redoable

hprop_undo_actions_are_redoable = property $ do

  -- Generate the initial timeline and focus
  timelineAndFocus <- forAllWith showTimelineAndFocus $
    Gen.timelineWithFocus (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.parallel

  -- Generate the initial application state
  initialState <- forAll (initializeState timelineAndFocus)

  -- Generate a sequence of undoable/redoable commands
  events <- forAll $
    Gen.list (Range.exponential 1 100) genUndoableTimelineEvent

Actions are Redoable (cont.)

  -- We begin by running 'events' on the original state
  beforeUndos <- runTimelineStubbedWithExit events initialState

  -- Then we undo and redo all of them
  afterRedos  <-
    runTimelineStubbedWithExit (undoEvent <$ events) beforeUndos
    >>= runTimelineStubbedWithExit (redoEvent <$ events)

  -- That should result in a timeline equal to the one we had before
  -- starting the undos
  timelineToTree (beforeUndos ^. currentTimeline)
    === timelineToTree (afterRedos ^. currentTimeline)

Undo/Redo Test Summary

  • These tests made the refactoring possible
  • Founds many interim bugs
    • Off-by-one index
    • Inconsistent focus
    • Non-invertible actions
  • After the tests passed: ran the GUI, it worked

Wrapping Up


  • Property-based testing is not only for pure functions!
    • Effectful actions
    • Integration tests
  • Process (iterative)
    • Think about the specification first
    • Think about how generators and tests should work
    • Get minimal examples of failures, fix the implementation
  • Using them in Komposition:
    • Made refactoring and evolving large parts of the system tractable and safer
    • Found existing errors in my thinking, my tests, my implementation
    • It’s been a joy


Thank You!