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Commands are issued by you, the user of Komposition, to navigate and modify, the timeline and other views of the application. The following table lists some of the central commands you can issue, and their key bindings. Most commands can also be issued by using the top-level menu bar.

Command Mode Key Binding Description
Help All ? Display key bindings help in the current mode
Split Timeline s Split the currently focused composition, if possible
Join Timeline m Merge the currently focused and the right-adjacent composition, if possible
Delete Timeline d Delete the currently focused composition
Import Timeline i Start a new asset import
Preview Timeline Space Preview the currently focused composition
Undo Timeline u Undo the last command
Redo Timeline Ctrl + r Redo the last undone command
Exit Timeline q Exit the Komposition application
Cancel Library, Import q Cancel/exit the current mode

There are more commands not listed in this table. Press ? in Komposition to see the full listing.

Key Sequences

To add clips and gaps, there are key sequence bindings available. To add after, you generally start by pressing A and then a key for the type of clip or gap you want to add. To add before, start with the a key. Clips are specified with the c key, and gaps with the g key.

When a video or audio track, or anything within a track is focused, you press two keys:

  1. insert after (a) or insert before (A)
  2. clip (c) or gap (g)

When a parallel is focused, you need to also specify if it's the video track or audio track you want to add before or append to. The full key sequence then consists of three keys:

  1. insert before (A) or insert after (a)
  2. video (v) or audio track (a)
  3. clip (c) or gap (g)

There are variations for adding at the leftmost position, and at the rightmost position, but those are currently only available in the menu bar. And again, all key sequences are not listed in this document. Press ? in Komposition to see the full listing.